Thursday, March 5, 2009

Production Tools- Lecture on March 2nd

In class this week we learned a little about production tools and how you can use them in the classroom. Production means the form of learning whereby students create a product or concrete artifact that is the focus of learning. Examples of production tools would be storymercials, digitial storybooks, powerpoint presentations, brochures, comic strips or things like webpages and digital scrapbooks. There are so many different option and many ways to explore technology while using a production tool. The four different tasks that you complete with production tools are Narratives, Persuasive, Infromative, and Environmental or Participatory. Overall you pick a tool and task and use them to create a product to explain what you have learned in a creative way. The only set back is that the students need to learn how to use the technolgy and they need to not get caught up in the technology and not actually learn the content. In the end the learning is the most improtant part not the technology used. But these tools can be very useful in keeping the student attention and motiviation high, as long as a fun way to have a lesson and project.

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